Dorktales Storytime

Nichelle Nichols, Hidden Hero of History

Jonathan Cormur, Madison Lauren Season 4 Episode 70

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A story of boldly going where no one had gone before! Nichelle Nichol’s role as Lieutenant Uhura in the original Star Trek series was groundbreaking. Civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. praised her work for defying stereotypes and revolutionizing portrayals of Black individuals on television. Her influence and advocacy for more diversity at NASA sparked new interest in space travel and helped to recruit brilliant STEM talents like Dr. Sally Ride, Colonel Guion Bluford, and Mae Jemison.

SUMMARY: While Jonathan and Mr. Redge are at the Once Upon a Time Con, they come across an artist booth called Deep Space Drawings by Deanna. They meet Deanna, who is a fan of Star Trek and has created artwork inspired by the series. They share Nichelle Nichols story and her role as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura and how it was one of the first non-stereotypical portrayals of a Black woman on television. They also talk about how Martin Luther King Jr. convinced Nichelle Nichols to stay on the show because of the positive impact her character had on the civil rights movement. Besides her role as Uhura, Nichelle Nichols also created new interest in space exploration and opened the doors of opportunity for more people of color to work at NASA. 

Impressed by Deanna's art and inspired by the story of Nichelle Nichols, Redge decides to purchase some of Deanna's paintings. He declares himself a Trekkie and expresses his eagerness to explore space. The episode concludes with the hosts and Deanna bidding farewell and wishing each other to "live long and prosper." They then head to the Cosplay competition, with Redge's dragon costume expected to be a top contender.

Go to the episode webpage: 

If you liked this story about a hidden hero of history who inspired space exploration, you may also like Episode 5 on Mary Golda Ross, whose pioneering work helped put humans into space:

Our podcast has partnered with the Red Comet Press to celebrate the launch of their new children’s book, "We Sing From the Heart" by Mia Wenjen. It tells the powerful story of Simon Tam’s fight for free speech that went all the way up to America’s Supreme Court. It’s a story that speaks to the impact that one person can make in this world.

Listen after the credits to hear from Mr. Redge then text us 👍 if you want Redge to keep sending his secret post credit messages! No one at Dorktales can see your name or number so it's a safe way to send us a message.

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Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

JONATHAN CORMUR: Hello Dork Squad. I'm Jonathan Cormur and you're listening to Dorktales Storytime, the podcast for kids and their pop culture-loving grown-ups, and this is an inspiring story about a hidden hero of history.


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful day for a story, adventure and glory, new friends and old ones too. It's an excellent day to get swept away in a tail, so let us regale you.


REDGE: Jonathan, does my costume look silly? 


JONATHAN: Of course not, Redge! You look awesome! 


REDGE: I’m trying to portray the Great Dragon of the ACU!


JONATHAN: Yes from the Arthurian Cinematic Universe which features the team of heroes known as the Excaliburs—-


REDGE: And their fearsome dragon foe, Toxin Terrorfang! But I don’t know if my cosplay is successful. 


JONATHAN: It definitely is! I love your spiky tail and those talons look extremely realistic. 


REDGE: I DO already have the spines for the costume…


JONATHAN: No crafting needed! 


REDGE: But I’m not quite big enough to look realistic…


JONATHAN: Maybe your version of Toxin spends his days hedgehog-sized to easily stealth into cities and towns. Then he grows all big and scary when he’s about to battle the Excaliburs!


REDGE: Oh, Jonathan, I LOVE the lore! 


JONATHAN: Plus the way green steam comes out of your dragon mouth headpiece?? Genius!


REDGE: Isn’t it venomous looking?? Rapunzel helped me create that effect using her scientific know-how!  


JONATHAN: You’re definitely going to be serious competition for the costume contest. 


REDGE: Why thank you. And you don’t look too shabby yourself, Merlin.


JONATHAN: Yes, I am Merlin, the mega-powerful mage of the ACU! I couldn’t resist. 


REDGE: Ooooo I can’t wait to get inside. I’ve been waiting for Once Upon a Con for AGES. 


JONATHAN: The largest convention for dork culture in Once Upon a Time! Where creatures from all over this realm–


REDGE: And other realms!


JONATHAN: Come together to geek out! 


REDGE: About any and everything! 


JONATHAN: Oooo look, the line is moving! We’re finally going to get inside.


REDGE: Eeeee! Let our Once Upon a Con adventure begin!!






JONATHAN: Hey is that our bunny friend Floppy Loppy dressed as Toxin’s greatest foe - Captain Camelot? 


REDGE: You’re right! Look at the detail and shine on her shield! 


JONATHAN: Topnotch! 




REDGE: There’s so much to see! I don’t even know where to start. 


JONATHAN: We’ve got The Decade Arcade…


REDGE: Hmmm yes…the description on the map says you can go there to experience video games through the years.


JONATHAN: That’s a must-see! We also have to stop by the Cosplay Causeway, because your dragon will be a hit.




JONATHAN: Hey, how about we start over there at all the artist booths? I want to see if I can find a new Excaliburs poster to frame! 


REDGE: To Artist Alley! I’m right behind you. 


JONATHAN: People are so talented. Look at this Guinevere the Guardian poster! Her armor looks so realistic!


REDGE: Jonathan? 


JONATHAN: OOO and this Captain Camelot action figure…he’s got a little shield and everything. 


REDGE: Jonathan! 


JONATHAN: What? Did you find a good Toxin figurine? 


REDGE: No look at that booth over there! Isn’t that art for a show from your realm? 


JONATHAN: GASP! We have to go over there! 


DEANNA: Hello friends! Live long and prosper! 


JONATHAN: Live long and prosper! 


REDGE: Live long and what now? 


JONATHAN: It’s a famous phrase from Star Trek.


DEANNA: Welcome to the most fabulous booth at the con - Deep Space Drawings by Deanna!


JONATHAN: Name inspired by the Deep Space Nine Star Trek series, I assume?


DEANNA: You assume correctly! 


JONATHAN: Wow! This is AWESOME! My name is Jonathan and this is Mr. Redge.


REDGE: A pleasure!


JONATHAN: I’m so glad we found your booth. I love Star Trek! 


REDGE: Deanna, are you from Jonathan’s realm? 


DEANNA: I am! I ALWAYS knew there were other universes out there, I mean, hello, I’m obviously a fan of exploring the unknown. 


JONATHAN: Very Star Trek “explore new worlds” of you! 


DEANNA: I like to think so! So…one day…


JONATHAN: You found a tree that was actually a portal and stepped inside and found yourself here in Once Upon a Time? 


DEANNA: I actually found a false wall in the back of our food pantry…but the portal part is the same! 


REDGE: Well, welcome to Once Upon a time! Your art is wonderful!


DEANNA: Thanks! This place is great! I’m so excited to have found a place that loves stories so much. I hope I can spread the word about why it’s awesome to be a Trekkie!


JONATHAN: That’s what Star Trek fans are called, Redge. 


REDGE: Ah I see…Trekkie. I LOVE IT. I want to be one too! 


DEANNA: Well, I’ve painted all my favorite characters, so feel free to take a look and ask questions. 


REDGE: Delightful! Let’s see…ooo, who’s this? 


JONATHAN: That’s Lieutenant Nyota Uhura. 


DEANNA: The one and only! 


JONATHAN: She is one of my favorite characters. And the actress who played her is an amazing person! 


REDGE: Is she? 


DEANNA: She is! 


REDGE: Tell me more, I must know as part of my new journey into Trekkie-hood! 


JONATHAN: Deanna, do you want to help me tell her story?


DEANNA: I would love to! 


JONATHAN: Then let’s begin the tale of–


DEANNA: Nichelle Nichols! 


JONATHAN: Nichelle Nichols was born in Chicago in 1932. She began her artistic journey at an early age.  


DEANNA: Ms. Nichols started studying dance with the Chicago Ballet Company at the age of 12.


JONATHAN: This led to her professional career as a singer and dancer. One of her earliest jobs was singing with Duke Ellington’s and Lionel Hampton’s bands on tour.


DEANNA: They were both famous jazz musicians! 


JONATHAN: And they toured the United States, Canada, and Europe!


DEANNA: In 1959, Ms. Nichols was a principal dancer in the film version of Porgy and Bess, the first great American opera! 


JONATHAN: She performed in the stage version as well. In fact, she appeared in many theater productions before her time playing Lieutenant Uhura on television.


REDGE: Ahh starting your career on the stage. I for one understand the call to tread the boards! The thrill of live performance! The delicious drama of…drama! 


DEANNA: (Laughs) Do you do a lot of performing, Redge? 


REDGE: Only when the Folktale Forest folk demand it…which is ALWAYS! (Laughs triumphantly)


JONATHAN: Redge is a natural thespian. 


REDGE: And soon to be Trekkie! Carry on with your story. 


DEANNA: Right! The original Star Trek series began in 1966. 


Ms. Nichols portrayed the communications officer and translator, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura. 


She was one of the first Black women featured in a major television series.


JONATHAN: Her leading role was a groundbreaking moment, and a very important historical figure actually convinced her to stay on the show when she considered leaving the series.


REDGE: She considered leaving? 


DEANNA: She did! But it was Martin Luther King, Jr. that showed her the importance of appearing on the show. 


JONATHAN: Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most important civil rights activists in the 1950s until his assassination in 1968. 


DEANNA: He also was a Trekkie himself! 


REDGE: Wow! 


DEANNA: I know! 


JONATHAN: Dr. King and Ms. Nichols were both at the same event the weekend after she handed in her resignation letter. Dr. King requested to meet her and shared with her that he felt her role in the show was vitally important. 


DEANNA: Ms. Nichols was playing one of the first non-stereotypical characters on television, breaking new ground for how Black people were portrayed in front of a wide audience. 


JONATHAN: Stereotypes are simple portrayals of people—usually based on things like their race, profession, or age. There are many people of color throughout history who have been cast in one-dimensional roles.


DEANNA: This is one of the many reasons Ms. Nichols’ character was so beloved. Because she defied stereotypes!


JONATHAN: In one of Ms. Nichols’ interviews on National Public Radio, or NPR, she shared that Dr. King said by playing Uhura, Ms. Nichols was, “reflecting what we are fighting for,” – referring to the Civil Rights Movement. 


DEANNA: He also told her it was one of the only shows he and his wife allowed their children to stay up and watch.


JONATHAN: After her conversation with Dr. King, she decided to stay in the cast. She went on to play Uhura for all three seasons of the original run. 


DEANNA: She also played the role in six Star Trek movies. 


REDGE: Looks like we’ll need to do a Star Trek marathon, Jonathan and Deanna. I have a lot of catching up to do. 


DEANNA: Count me in! 


JONATHAN: Ms. Nichols’ influence went beyond her time on the show, Mr. Redge. 


REDGE: Oh really? 


DEANNA: She was very interested in space exploration and even worked alongside NASA! 


JONATHAN: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an agency responsible for the civil space program and important space research. 




DEANNA: Ms. Nichols did as well. She began her own program which advocated for more women and people of color to become astronauts at NASA. 


JONATHAN: And she was successful! Some of the people who were recruited through her advocacy were Dr. Sally Ride, the first American female astronaut, and Colonel Guion Bluford. 


DEANNA: He was the first African American astronaut! 


REDGE: Wait…when we spoke about (dramatically) ‘BRAVE AVIATORS!’ and learned about Mae Jemison, didn’t you say that she was inspired by Ms. Nichols as well? 


JONATHAN: That’s right, Redge! And Mae Jemison broke ground as the first African American woman in space.


Ms. Nichols also served on the board of the National Space Institute, a nonprofit space advocacy organization. 


DEANNA: And tons of NASA employees have said that seeing her play Lieutenant Uhura inspired them to join the agency. Ms. Nichols’ legacy is…GALACTIC!  


JONATHAN: She used her art and passion to inspire new interest in science and space exploration. 


DEANNA: I’m here selling my art to save money for school. She’s inspired me to continue my love of exploration by studying science! 


REDGE: How splendid! 


DEANNA: She’s so awesome. One of the greatest characters in the Star Trek universe!




REDGE: Deanna I would like to take one of each of your paintings, please. 


DEANNA: Alright! Let me package those up for you!  


REDGE: Wonderful! Now, I have a very important question for you both….can I please be a Trekkie now?? 


JONATHAN: Hmmm, what do you think Deanna?


DEANNA: I don’t know…


JONATHAN: Are you ready to adventure into space, the final frontier? 


DEANNA: And to explore strange, new worlds?? 


REDGE: Yes! Yes to both things! I’m ready to go where no hedgehog has gone before!!


DEANNA: Oh, you are DEFINITELY a Trekkie now. 








JONATHAN: Alright Redge. Looks like the Cosplay competition is starting in ten minutes. We should get over there to enter!


DEANNA: You’re a shoo-in for the top prize, Redge. I mean look at those sharp dragon teeth.


JONATHAN: Pretty fearsome, right? 




DEANNA: It was nice to meet you both. Live long and prosper! 


REDGE/JONATHAN: Live long and prosper! 


JONATHAN CORMUR: This has been a Jonincharacter production. Today's story was written by Molly Murphy. Special thanks to Madison Smith who voiced the character Deanna. All other characters are performed by Jonathan Cormur, sound recording and production for the episode by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton studio recordings. Reach out to us on Instagram or email us at dorktalesstorytime at gmailcom. You can find links in the show notes. Now go, be the hero of your own story and we'll see you next once upon a time.


THEME SONG: So gather your squad for all to see. It's a universe that we've imagined. There's twists and turns and lessons learned. This is where the unexpected happens. Join our humble hosts and hit the trails of the wonderful, wacky, wild world of Dorktales.




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