Dorktales Storytime

Redge’s Marvelous Masterpiece

Jonathan Cormur Season 5 Episode 82

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Redge’s first painting class with the famous artist, Honey B. Bearton, was marvelous! So why is he feeling so blue? It’s his homework assignment--picking one thing to paint that will show the world who he is. But how can he narrow it down and choose JUST ONE? He seeks guidance from friends like Big Bad and Midge the Pidge, who help him get inspired and find the perfect idea for a creative masterpiece that will showcase his true self.

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of conversation questions for this episode:

PARENTS, TEACHERS AND HOMESCHOOLERS: This original story offers insightful takeaways about creativity, friendship, and the joy of discovering one’s unique identity. Painted into the narrative are social-emotional components of self-discovery, emotional intelligence and positive social interactions. (Aligns with CASEL Social and Emotional learning framework.)

IF YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY, you may also enjoy, episode 25, the story about Ruth Asawa, one of California’s most beloved sculptors and an influential advocate for arts education. The intro to her story includes mention of Honey B. Bearton:

CREDITS: This episode has been a Jonincharacter production. Today’s story was written and produced by Molly Murphy and performed by Jonathan Cormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings.

Our podcast has partnered with the Red Comet Press to celebrate the launch of their new children’s book, "We Sing From the Heart" by Mia Wenjen. It tells the powerful story of Simon Tam’s fight for free speech that went all the way up to America’s Supreme Court. It’s a story that speaks to the impact that one person can make in this world.

Listen after the credits to hear from Mr. Redge then text us 👍 if you want Redge to keep sending his secret post credit messages! No one at Dorktales can see your name or number so it's a safe way to send us a message.

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Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

JONATHAN CORMUR: Hello Dork Squad. I'm Jonathan Cormur and you're listening to Dorktales Storytime, the podcast for kids and their pop culture-loving grown-ups, and this is one of our anything-is-possible lore stories.


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful day for a story, adventure and glory, new friends and old ones too. It's an excellent day to get swept away in a tail, so let us regale you.


REDGE: Jonathan, I’m so excited that I get to LEARN today! 


JONATHAN: I’m excited for you, Redge! 


REDGE: Can you even believe it? I’m taking art classes with THE Honey B. Bearton. 


JONATHAN: Do you mean…the artist who made sculptures and paintings that have been featured in Once Upon a Time’s most prestigious museum–


REDGE: The Museum of Mammal Made Art! MOMMA! That’s exactly what I mean! 




REDGE: Eee! Getting me access to classes from Peregrin's Place of Learning & Educational Excellence was the perfect Jolly Holly Day gift, mate. 


JONATHAN: I’m very happy you like my gift! 


REDGE: Like it, I LOVE it!


JONATHAN: Which of Honey’s classes did you choose? 


REDGE: Painting 101! I’ll be learning about watercolors, oil paints, acrylics, gouache 


JONATHAN: Wow…I didn’t even know there were that many kinds of paint to learn about!  


REDGE: Oh of course! We’ll be creating dazzling still lifes, important-looking portraits, sweeping landscapes…and so much more! 


JONATHAN: That’s awesome, Redge! 


REDGE: Will you read this list to me to make sure I’ve got everything ready for class? 


JONATHAN: Of course! Let’s see here…sketchbook and pencils? 


REDGE: Check! 


JONATHAN: An easel, canvas, and paintbrushes? 


REDGE: Check, check, check! 


JONATHAN: A painter’s smock so your clothes don’t get covered in paint? 


REDGE: You bet your bottom that I have the outfit all ready to go!  


JONATHAN: (Chuckles) Of course. 


Do you have this book by Honey B. Bearton, “Paintings Past: An Exploration of Once Upon a Time’s Mammal Made Art Through the Ages”? 


REDGE: Check! And I’ve already read it twice! 


JONATHAN: Wow! Ok looks like those are the only things you need for your first class. You’re all set. 


REDGE: Let the artistry begin! 


HONEY: (Speech said with lots of flourish and panache) Hello artistes! 


Welcome to Painting 101 with me, Honey B. Bearton. Or is it? Can we even CALL it Painting 101 when I’m showing you far more than simple painting techniques? That’s right!  In these classes, you’ll learn to discover your inner soul. You’ll connect with your emotions, sending them through your brush and onto your canvas. You’ll grow to understand yourself and the universe beyond, peering into the ever-unfolding galaxy and shaping the creation of the stars!! 


Okay, maybe not that last one. But we’re going to have a blast! 


Your first assignment will be to pick the subject of your final masterpiece! But more on that later…


First, everyone take out your copies of Paintings Past, and turn to page five…


JONATHAN: Hey there, Redge! How was your first class? I’ve been so curious to hear how it went!  


REDGE: (Grumbling to himself in frustration about his class assignment) 


JONATHAN: Uh…Redge? 


REDGE: Oh. Hello Jonathan.


JONATHAN: Are…you alright? 


REDGE: Yes..


JONATHAN: …Really? 




JONATHAN: What happened? Was your class bad? 




JONATHAN: Were…your classmates not very nice? 




JONATHAN: Oh. Then…wait. What happened? 


REDGE: (Sighs) It’s our first assignment. Honey B. Bearton gave us the task of picking one thing to paint that shows the world who we are! We’ll use that choice throughout the class to practice and then create our final masterpiece. 


JONATHAN: But…that sounds like exactly the kind of assignment you would love!


REDGE: It’s just that…how am I supposed to pick ONE thing? There are so many things that show the world who I am! 


JONATHAN: That’s true! And good! It means you have a whole palette to paint from! 


REDGE: But how am I supposed to CHOOSE?! 


JONATHAN: Hmmm…oh I have an idea! 


REDGE: Tell me! I’ll try anything! I’ve been thinking and thinking all evening and I just…come up with too many things. 


JONATHAN: What if we found some of our friends, and asked them what kinds of things they would paint? 




JONATHAN: Maybe the things they feel most represent them will help you narrow down your list! 


REDGE: That’s a wonderful idea, mate! 


JONATHAN: Who should we ask first? 


REDGE: We’re very close to Big Bad’s record shop. Perhaps we can ask him! 


JONATHAN: To Howl at the Moon Records we go! 


(The sound of a door opening and closing)


BIG BAD: Well hey there, Jonathan and Redge! Howwoooooo are you doing today? 


JONATHAN: Doing pretty well! 


REDGE: How’s business? 


BIG BAD: Oh we’re selling out Branch Sisters records like hotcakes today. And this one - “Soothing Pond and Construction Sounds”. 


REDGE: Oh didn’t Glimmer the Beaver just release that? 


BIG BAD: That’s right! She’s been hard at work building and thought she’d record some background tracks. Folks are digging the ambiance! 


REDGE: Lovely, lovely. And would you say these records are YOU? And that if someone saw this record, they would think: Hmm this really shows me the DEPTHS OF BIG BAD’S SOUL, he should really PAINT A PICTURE OF IT FOR A CLASS ASSIGNMENT? 


BIG BAD: Uhhh…what? 


JONATHAN: Oh…sorry Big Bad. Redge, you may want to give him a little more context than that. 


REDGE: Oh right, apologies. I’m taking a painting class and our assignment is to decide on something that represents who we are so we can paint it as our final masterpiece. You know, after we learn all the skills we need in class. 


BIG BAD: Arooooo I see. That sounds fun! 


JONATHAN: That’s what I said! But Redge is a little nervous. 


REDGE: How am I to choose?! 


JONATHAN: So we wanted to stop by to see what you would choose! We think it might inspire Redge. 


BIG BAD: I see! Well, I think I would choose my cozy den. That’s my home. 


REDGE: Why’s that Big Bad? 


BIG BAD: I’ve got it all set up how I like it, right next to a creek. Using the secret art of Feng Shui, I’ve hung up all my favorite art in there and I’ve made a cozy bed from leaves and grass. (Sigh) It’s my happy place. I think people would get a real good picture of me from that painting. 


JONATHAN: That’s a GREAT one, Big Bad! 


REDGE: It is. I also love my hovel. 


JONATHAN: You did just weave a new rug for your entryway from some ferns!


REDGE: And I installed small acorn lights in there, which has really made it feel cozy. 


BIG BAD: That’s what I love about our dens and hovels and homes! They’re spaces we can make however we want. And really show our personalities! 


REDGE: I’ll tuck that idea away. Thank you, Big Bad! This has been very helpful. 


BIG BAD: Of course!! Good luck with your assignment! 


(The sound of a door opening and closing)


JONATHAN: Alright, Redge! Who would you like to speak to next? 


REDGE: Hmmm…wait a second…we’re not too far from Midge’s tree house, right?


JONATHAN: You mean Midge the pigeon? 


REDGE: That’s right! Midge the pidge! 


JONATHAN: You built her a house and gave her a brand new fridge. 


REDGE: Yes! And we had to move the kitchen window a smidge. 


JONATHAN: I remember Midge! Let’s go see if we can chat with her! 


(A knock at the door) 


REDGE: Hello, Midge! Are you here? 


MIDGE: Is that Mr. Redginald T. Hedgehog at my front door? 


REDGE: The one and only! 


MIDGE: Well hello, my friend! 


REDGE: Hello, Midge! Do you have a moment? 


MIDGE: But of course! Is Jonathan here? 


REDGE: Oh he’s down there, at the bottom of the tree. 


JONATHAN: (Like he’s calling up) Hi Midge! 


MIDGE: Heya! What can I do for you, Redge? 


REDGE: I was wondering…if you had to paint a picture to show others who you are inside…what would you paint? 


MIDGE: Oh I’ve not painted much. Pretty tough when you have wings! 


REDGE: Of course, of course. But…if you could close your eyes and imagine a painting…


MIDGE: I see “Honey Bees Amidst the Trees” by Honey B. Bearton. 


REDGE: One of my favorites!!


MIDGE: Me too! 


REDGE: But forget about it!




REDGE: And imagine a painting that YOU’VE made…


MIDGE: Oh I see! Hmmm…I see… an arrangement of twigs!


REDGE: Fascinating! Please go on.


MIDGE: I’m very resourceful and see beauty in even the simplest things. And I love that about myself! I think the humble twig really shows off that quality! 


REDGE: So Midge the Pidge would paint a…


MIDGE: Twig! 


REDGE: I love that, Midge. Thank you so much for sharing with me! 


MIDGE: Of course! And do stop by more often! 


REDGE: I will! Have a wonderful day! 


MIDGE: Here, take a twig for the road. 


REDGE: Oh! Why thank you!


JONATHAN: How did it go up there? 


REDGE: It went wonderfully…Midge chose an object that she felt represented her favorite part of her personality! 


JONATHAN: That’s a great idea! 

REDGE: I agree! But…what would I pick…a book? A fancy outfit? Sunglasses? SNACKS?! 


JONATHAN:  You do LOVE snacks. 


REDGE: I’m devoted to them! But then if I pick snacks which snack do I snack on most? Carrots? Chips? Berries? Cookies?! DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE! 


JONATHAN: Woah slow down, Redge! Maybe we should find ONE more friend and see what they have to say. Hop on my shoulder, and we’ll walk to Wabbitson’s house. 


REDGE: You got it! 


(Sound of a cartoonish hop and then a knock at a door) 


WABBITSON: Well bless my sole, Is this Jonathan and Redginald at my door? 


JONATHAN: Hi Wabbitson! How are you and Sherlock Nettlesbee doing? 


REDGE: Have you and the great detective cracked any major cases recently? 


WABBITSON: We’re currently working on the case of the missing socks! A Folktale Forest resident keeps losing just one of each pair…


JONATHAN: I hate it when that happens! 


REDGE: That sounds like a curious case indeed, but I have another mystery I need you to solve today! 


WABBITSON: What’s that my friend? 


REDGE: If you were painting a painting to show the world who you are inside…what would you paint? 


WABBITSON: Intriguing question! Hmmm…let’s see…


REDGE: It’s IMPOSSIBLE to answer isn’t it! 


WABBITSON: Normally I’d say carrots because I love a good carrot. 


REDGE: But now? 


WABBITSON: I think I’d paint a big journal of clues and a magnifying glass. I love solving cases with Detective Sherlock. It’s one of my greatest passions! 


JONATHAN: Wow, that’s really amazing Wabbitson! 


REDGE: It is indeed. Sharing a painting that represents your greatest passion. 


JONATHAN: You can’t go wrong there! 


WABBITSON: I’d say so! 


REDGE: Thank you for your help Wabbitson! 


WABBITSON: Anytime gentlemen! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m suddenly rather hungry for some carrots…


REDGE: Of course. Good day! 


JONATHAN: Bye Wabbitson! 


(The sound of a door closing)


REDGE: Alright, Let’s review the ideas we’ve been gathering…


JONATHAN: So we have one friend who would paint their home.


REDGE: A scene of a cozy den. 


JONATHAN: And one friend who would paint one of their favorite objects to represent their favorite personality trait. 


REDGE: A twig still life. 


JONATHAN: And then another who would paint something that represents their work, because they’re so passionate about it! 


REDGE: A work wonder. Yes. That’s the long and the short of it.


JONATHAN: Those are all great ideas! Anything calling to you? 


REDGE: I don’t know…but maybe…maybe there is something…


JONATHAN: You look like you’re really thinking over there…


REDGE: I think I am really thinking some thoughts over here…

 JONATHAN: …What are you thinking? 


REDGE: Hush! I must think my thoughts in silence! 


JONATHAN: Oh sorry–


REDGE: Jonathan please I’m thinking! 


JONATHAN: (Whispering) Sorry…I’ll let you get to it–




JONATHAN: Oh! That was actually really quick! 


REDGE: First of all, Jonathan, I have to thank you. This truly was a BRILLIANT idea! 


JONATHAN: Aw that’s great to hear, Redge! You’re welcome! 


REDGE: Now I know exactly what I’m going to paint for my marvelous masterpiece! 


JONATHAN: You do?! Tell me! I’ve got to know! 


REDGE: Are you ready? 




REDGE: I’m going to paint– Ahem. Drumroll please! 


(Sound of a drumroll) 




JONATHAN: You’re going to paint today! Wahoo!! 


…Wait. I don’t get it…


REDGE: I’m going to paint you and I on an adventure, listening to stories from our friends about all of their favorite things!


JONATHAN: Redge! That’s a wonderful idea! 


REDGE: We love going on adventures! 


JONATHAN: And stories! 

REDGE: And most of all, friendship. I think our quest today really captures my unique Reginald PIZAZZ! 


JONATHAN: I couldn’t agree more. There really are so many different things that make up who we are and so many ways to show it. And that’s pretty cool. 




JONATHAN: What do you want to do now that you’ve completed your first assignment? 


REDGE: I think I’ll re-read Honey B. Bearton’s book again. I just can’t get enough! 


JONATHAN: Fun! I’ll walk you back to your hovel and maybe on the way you can tell me about the rest of your class!


REDGE: OH I thought you’d never ask! It. Was. Marvelous. There were so many awesome friends there and Professor Bearton was delightful. And so knowledgeable! Oh my gosh and I forgot to tell you I almost sprayed paint all over my canvas trying to open up the tube! 


JONATHAN: No way! 


REDGE: Yes way! The cap got stuck and I was holding on too tight and blue paint nearly got everywhere. Good thing I was wearing my stylish smock! Anyways…


REDGE: Hello friends, before Jonathan jumps in with the credits, I want to ask you for help with my assignment too! Please answer the same question I asked my Folktale Forest friends: What’s one thing you would paint, color or draw that would show the world who you are? With the help of a grownup, let me know! Check the show notes for ways to reach me…now on with the credits!


JONATHAN CORMUR: Dorktales Storytime lore stories are a Jonincharacter production. This story was written by Molly Murphy and performed by JonathanCormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings. Reach out to us on Instagram or email us at Find links in the show notes or go to Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next, once-upon-a-time! 

THEME SONG: So gather your squad for all to see. It's a universe that we've imagined. There's twists and turns and lessons learned. This is where the unexpected happens. Join our humble hosts and hit the trails of the wonderful, wacky, wild world of Dorktales.


© 2024 Dorktales Storytime 




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