Dorktales Storytime

The Scribbleton Scramble

Jonathan Cormur Season 5 Episode 85

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Using cookies Alice brought back from Wonderland, Jonathan and Redge shrink until they’re small enough to visit Scribbleton, the Folktale Forest’s tiniest town. As they explore this miniature world filled with wonders, they meet a Scribble Knight pixie and his bright yellow banana slug buddy. They learn that the duo is scrambling down Doodle Avenue to frantically prepare for the town's annual celebration. With a chirping cricket and jumping spider as their rides, Jonathan and Redge join forces with their new friends, realizing that even the smallest tasks in Scribbleton lead to the biggest surprises.

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PARENTS, TEACHERS AND HOMESCHOOLERS: From the importance of teamwork to kindness and hospitality, “The Scribbleton Scramble” is brimming with opportunities for growth and learning. Lessons learned include thinking outside-the-box when it comes to solving problems and overcoming obstacles, appreciation for the little things, courage to step out of one’s comfort zones, and the value of friendship and companionship.(Aligns with CASEL Social and Emotional learning framework)

IF YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY about Scribbleton, you may also enjoy these episodes about other lands in Once Upon a Time:

CREDITS: This episode has been a Joninchar

Our podcast has partnered with the Red Comet Press to celebrate the launch of their new children’s book, "We Sing From the Heart" by Mia Wenjen. It tells the powerful story of Simon Tam’s fight for free speech that went all the way up to America’s Supreme Court. It’s a story that speaks to the impact that one person can make in this world.

Listen after the credits to hear from Mr. Redge then text us 👍 if you want Redge to keep sending his secret post credit messages! No one at Dorktales can see your name or number so it's a safe way to send us a message.

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Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

JONATHAN CORMUR: Hello Dork Squad. I'm Jonathan Cormur and you're listening to Dorktales Storytime, the podcast for kids and their pop culture-loving grown-ups, and this is one of our anything-is-possible lore stories.


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful day for a story, adventure and glory, new friends and old ones too. It's an excellent day to get swept away in a tail, so let us regale you.


JONATHAN: Are you sure this is going to work, Redge? 


REDGE: Alice said it would work! 


JONATHAN: Can you explain to me one more time? 


REDGE: Alice went back to Wonderland to visit her friends and she was invited to a tea party! 


JONATHAN: Lovely! 


REDGE: Yes! At the tea party, they were serving a variety of delicious cookies. She said there were chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies–


JONATHAN: Now Redge, don’t get lost in another snack story…


REDGE: AND these little shortbread cookies that can make you grow REALLY tall. 


JONATHAN: Or shrink until you’re really small. Right? 


REDGE: Precisely! See, you’ve got it, mate! Alice asked if she could take home a sample platter because she knew we wanted to visit Scribbleton! 


JONATHAN: I have always wanted to go to Scribbleton. So I’m willing to give it a go! 


REDGE: Excellent! I, too, have always wanted to visit Once Upon a Time’s tiniest town! 


JONATHAN: I’ve read it’s filled with pixies and fairies and mushroom houses and beautiful streets made from bits of leaves. 


REDGE: Mini-mysteries await amidst the forest floor! 


JONATHAN: That’s very poetic, Redge. 


REDGE: That’s what it says on the cover of this book! 


JONATHAN: (As if he’s reading) “A Tourist’s Guidebook to Scribbleton: Where Many Mini-Mysteries Await Amidst the Forest Floor”. Well! Would you look at that! 


REDGE: I thought we might need a little help getting around so I found this guidebook at the Folktale Forest Library. 


JONATHAN: Brilliant idea! 


Alright then, you ready to take a bite of this cookie? 


REDGE: Jonathan. 


JONATHAN: What’s up, Redge? 


REDGE: Have I ever NOT been ready to eat a cookie? 


JONATHAN: Fair point. Bottoms up! 


JONATHAN: It worked! 


REDGE: Huzzah! 


Look how tall the trees look now!




REDGE: And I already thought they looked tall before…


JONATHAN: Me too! So where to first? 


REDGE: Let me check the book. (As if he’s reading) “Visitors to Scribbleton will enter down the Historic Main Street which is known as Doodle Avenue. It was crafted in ye olden days by The Fairydust Guild, a group of fairy tradesfolk. They were expert builders whose sparkling fairydust infused every cobblestone in the road and every roof shingle. 


JONATHAN: Oh my gosh, Redge! Look at the pebble cobblestones! They’re sparkling with fairydust in all the colors of the rainbow! 


REDGE: You’re so right! And look at the buildings! They’re also sparkling! 


JONATHAN: I absolutely love the architecture of that oyster mushroom building! 


REDGE: The book says that’s the Capitol Building where Mayor Myca- (said with a hard ‘c’ sound like Micah) Liam works.


JONATHAN: I’ve heard she’s a real hoot!


REDGE: Look at this old candy shop made from tree bark…simply charming!  

JONATHAN: Candy shop? We have to go in there! 


REDGE: Let’s see, the guidebook says, “The Tiny Treat Emporium is full of delicious delights! Enjoy many different confections concocted by Scribbleton’s–” 


PHINEAS EVERGREEN: Comin’ through! 


SLIME LIONEL: Just gotta slide on by. 


PHINNEAS: We’ve got to make it to Leaf Litter Lane right quick! 


REDGE: Oh! Apologies Mister—oh WOW! 


JONATHAN: (As an aside to Redge) Is that a pixie? In…pine cone armor? 


REDGE: (Responding as an aside) Riding a giant, bright yellow banana slug? I think so…let me consult the guidebook…oh Jonathan look right here, “Many of the residents of Scribbleton form bonds with the gallant bugs and slugs of the forest floor, who become their lifelong buddies!” 



PHINEAS: So…are you going to clear our path or…? 


JONATHAN: Oh! We’re sorry! 


REDGE: Yes! We’ll step aside! 


LIONEL: I haven’t seen you folk around here before.


REDGE: You have not! We’re usually MUCH taller and live in the Folktale Forest!


JONATHAN: Yes, I’m Jonathan and this is Redge! We’re just visiting Scribbleton. 


REDGE: For the very first time. 


PHINEAS: Oh! Well then, where are my manners? Welcome, welcome to the fine land of Scribbleton! 


LIONEL: My name is Slime Lionel, the banana slug. 


REDGE: Hello Mr. Slime Lionel! 


PHINEAS: I’m Phineas Evergreen, a Scribble Knight and Protector of Yew. 


REDGE: Of me? 


PHINEAS: No! Yew! 






LIONEL: The old yew tree that fell many years ago. 


REDGE: Oh how SILLY of me! I remember reading about that in my guidebook! See, it’s in this passage here! 


“History buffs should be sure to take in the many stories of how this town came to be! For instance, once long ago, a yew tree was felled in a storm. Many Scribbletonians thought their tiny town was done for, as the massive log seemed to cut them off  from the world beyond their borders…” 


PHINEAS: That’s correct! Today we’re hosting a parade to celebrate how Scribbletonians had to rush in and save the day! 


LIONEL: It’s a yearly event called the Scribbleton Scramble Parade. 


PHINEAS: And it’s up to Lionel and I to get everything set up before the Scramble begins! 


LIONEL: The other Scramble Setup Committee members all have terrible tummy aches. 


PHINEAS: They tried too many candies to find just the right ones for the celebration. So we’re trying to check everything off this list here ourselves. 


REDGE: Oh dear! That’s an enormous list! 


LIONEL: Don’t I know it. 


JONATHAN: I don’t want to impose… but Redge and I can help you! 


REDGE: Oh yes! What better way to learn about the Scramble than to help you make the parade happen.


PHINEAS: You’d really help a pixie and their ‘ol slug bud out like this? 


REDGE: Absolutely! 


JONATHAN: What’s first on the list? 


PHINEAS: Lionel and I have to deliver these supplies to Leaf Litter Lane, where the parade takes place! 


LIONEL: But we also have a meeting scheduled with Mayor Myca-Liam to get the parade permit signed. 


PHINEAS: Without it, we won’t be allowed to have the parade at all! 


REDGE: The show must go on! 


JONATHAN: We can go meet with the mayor! 


PHINEAS: Wonderful!! Just remember, her one requirement before signing the permit will be to tell a joke, so you might want to have one prepared! 


JONATHAN: Good to know! 


REDGE: Yes! I’ll start thinking now! 


PHINEAS: Come meet us on Leaf Litter Lane after you’re done! 


JONATHAN: Hello? Mayor Myca-Liam? 


REDGE: My name is Redge! And this is Jonathan! We’re here on behalf of Phineas the Scribble Knight to–


MAYOR: Hello fine and friendly travelers! Welcome to the super awesome town of Scribbleton! I am your magnificent Mayor Myca-Liam. And here’s a fun fact: Did you know that certain mushrooms can be used to make dye for your clothing? They make beautiful colors! HA! 


REDGE: I did NOT know that! That IS a fun fact. 


MAYOR: People don’t call me the brains of this here forest for nothing! 


JONATHAN: We’re so happy to meet you! 


MAYOR: And I’m happy to meet you too, yes I am! 


REDGE: Ms. Mayor, as you well know, today is the Scribbleton Scramble! 




REDGE: We’re here to get a permit for the parade on behalf of Phineas Evergreen! 


MAYOR: FUN FACT! I love parades. 


REDGE: Oh me too! 


MAYOR: I would be happy to sign your parade permit to give you permission to parade. 


But I have one requirement first. 


REDGE: You’d like to hear a joke? 


MAYOR: HA! How did you know? 


JONATHAN: We learned a thing or two from our friend Phineas. 


REDGE: I’ve got just the thing: 


What did the mushroom say to his mushroom friend who told a joke? 


MAYOR: What? Tell me! Tell me! 


REDGE: You’re a real…FUN GUY! 


MAYOR: HAHAHA! Fun guy! Like Fungi! Because FUN FACT! Mushrooms are fungi! Along with mildews, molds, rusts…


JONATHAN: So…can we grab that signature on the permit? 


MAYOR: OH YES! I’ll sign right away. 


(The sound of someone scribbling on paper)


There you go! Parade permitted! 


REDGE: Thank you so much Mayor Myca-Liam! 


MAYOR: Anytime, boys anytime. I’ll see you at the parade! 


JONATHAN: Bye-bye! 


(The sound of the door opening and closing again)


JONATHAN: She was so nice! And full of fun facts. You can use mushrooms as dye? The more you know! 


REDGE: Jonathan. 


JONATHAN: Yes, Redge? 


REDGE: Is that a jumping spider and a cricket staring at us right now? Or…am I imagining things? 

 JONATHAN: You are…not imagining things. 


CHIRPSY: Hi Jonathan! Hi Redge! 


REDGE: They know our names? 


CHIRPSY: I’m Chirpsy the Cricket! Phineas sent us to help you get to Leaf Litter Lane! So YOU can help with the Scribbleton Scramble parade! I’m so excited to hop you on over there!


REDGE: Why thank you! I–


CHIRPSY: I love to hop. I hop all the time! Do you hop? Anyways, one of you can hop over with me and one of you can jump on the back of my friend–


LIVERWART: I’m Liverwart. 


CHIRPSY: That’s Liverwart! He’ll also have you over to the parade in just a hop, skip, and a jump! Cuz…he’s a jumping spider! (Giggles) 


JONATHAN: Hi there, thanks fo–


CHIRPSY: Climb aboard! Do you all like singing? 




CHIRPSY: ME TOO! I like singing. I’ll sing a song right now! 


Play my cricket legs to make a song

I like to sing it all night long

I chirp and chirp the whole night through

And now I’ll chirp a tune for you! 


(Boinging hopping sounds and the sound of a cricket to transition us to the next scene) 


REDGE: Thank you, Chirpsy! Thank you Liverwart! Tata for now! 


LIVERWART: I’m Liverwart. 


JONATHAN: Hello Phineas! 


PHINEAS: Jonathan and Redge! Welcome to Leaf Litter Lane, the location of our Scribbleton Scramble Parade! (The sound of triumphant trumpets)


REDGE: I love all of the streamers! 


JONATHAN: Look at the fairy band warming up in the corner! 


PHINEAS: That’s the Fairly Fantastic Fairy Five! They will lead our procession! 


REDGE: Wow! 


JONATHAN: Oh! We have your permit!


PHINEAS: Ah wonderful! The parade has been permitted! But now, we have another problem. 


REDGE: What’s that Phineas? 


PHINEAS: The decorations on two of our parade floats are not up to snuff! We have to depict every stage of the Scribbleton Scramble during the parade in brilliant and shining color. It’s tradition! 


JONATHAN: We can help with that! 


REDGE: I was BORN for this! 


PHINEAS: You would help ‘ol Phineas Evergreen spruce up the floats?


JONATHAN: Absolutely! 


PHINEAS: Wonderful wonderful! Here are your supplies: some lichen, moss, and leaves - you can use those for the base of the floats, right Lionel? 


LIONEL: That’s right. You can also take bunchberries– 


PHINEAS: And bearberries! 


LIONEL: We use those to make paints. 


REDGE: Excellent! And what if we add some fern fronds and little blue forget-me-not flowers for decor? 




JONATHAN: Looks like we’re all set! Tell us the full Scribbleton Scramble story while we rebuild these floats. 


PHINEAS: That I shall! 


Once upon a time–


REDGE: I love when stories start like that! 


PHINEAS: Me too! 


LIONEL: Me three!


PHINEAS: Once upon a time, when Scribbleton was first formed there was a terrible storm. The storm felled a great yew tree, which landed right through the middle of the tiny town. The citizens were at a loss - How would they continue to grow their neighborhoods? How would they connect to the world beyond? How would they commute to one another? Because…it was a BIG log. And we’re all very little. 


They all scrambled around - cleaning up the debris from the fall, having many town meetings and discussions about what to do. We were in despair! UNTIL! A sunbeam shone through where the tree once stood. New plant life grew around us as the sun reached the forest floor. So many incredible things in bloom we had never seen before!


And that sprouted new, creative ideas for the townspeople! The Fairydust Guild was formed, and they rallied all the tradespeople and craftspeople, painters, builders, and dreamers. And they transformed the log into many amazing things! 


REDGE: The guidebook says: “They created the Large Log Interstate where bug buddies can zoom up and down and between neighborhoods with ease, connecting Scribbletonians even more quickly with one another! They built Bark-Side Apartments, where residents have made cozy little homes. They even started Mush (mush like mushroom) Maker Farms, where mushrooms grow and are harvested for all of Scribbleton. The whole town scrambled and scribbled and thunk and thunk and came up with solutions for problems that once stunk!” 


JONATHAN: A true testament to teamwork! 


PHINEAS: That’s right! Just like us today! Truly living in the spirit of our founders by working together to put on the parade!


REDGE: And VOILA! I am done with my restoration of the float. I used the blue flowers to represent the new growth after the sun shone through! 


JONATHAN: I helped these fairies rig up this twig on pulleys to represent the falling tree! (A slide whistle going up)See it’s standing and then you pull here and… (A slide whistle going down)the tree has fallen! 


PHINEAS: Excellent form! Excellent! We are ready to parade and party the day away! 


REDGE: Huzzah! 


PHINEAS: Oh wait…there’s just one more task to complete as we strike up the band. But I don’t know if it will be of interest and I wouldn’t want to put you both out after you’ve helped me so much today. 


JONATHAN: Today’s been so much fun! 


REDGE: Yes an excellent way to see Scribbleton for the first time, and learn about your history. We’re happy to help! 


PHINEAS: OK then! The last task on the list is to head to the candy shop, Tiny Treat Emporium– 




PHINEAS: Oh! You don’t even know what the task–


REDGE: It’s alright we’ll do it! 


PHINEAS: Brilliant! Here’s the list of the candy I need. Chirpsy and Liverwart can take you back to Doodle Avenue now! 


LIVERWART: I’m Liverwart. 


REDGE: Excellent! EEE! CANDY! 


JONATHAN: I wonder what kind of candy is at the Tiny Treat Emporium!

REDGE: According to my guidebook there are many candies made from some of the foraged plants!




REDGE: There’s peppermint, marshmallow, licorice, sugar from a maple tree…


JONATHAN: Yum! Do they have saltwater taffy? I love saltwater taffy from old-timey candy shops. 



JONATHAN CORMUR: Dorktales Storytime lore stories are a Jonincharacter production. This story was written by Molly Murphy and performed by JonathanCormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings. Reach out to us on Instagram or email us at Find links in the show notes or go to Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next, once-upon-a-time! 

THEME SONG: So gather your squad for all to see. It's a universe that we've imagined. There's twists and turns and lessons learned. This is where the unexpected happens. Join our humble hosts and hit the trails of the wonderful, wacky, wild world of Dorktales.


© 2024 Dorktales Storytime 




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