Dorktales Storytime

Rapunzel’s Hopscotch Hypothesis

Jonathan Cormur, Melissa Victor Season 5 Episode 95

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Mr. Redge starts acting strange after a mysterious encounter in the garden. Jonathan grows worried because his best hedgehog friend has lost interest in their day of adventure. To solve this mystery, Jonathan asks his STEM princess friend Rapunzel for help. What could be causing Redge’s unusual behavior? With her love for science, Rapunzel proposes a hypothesis and sets up a hopscotch experiment to get to the root of Redge’s strange behavior. Will they solve the mystery and hop Redge back into his energetic, fun-loving self?

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PARENTS, TEACHERS AND HOMESCHOOLERS:Our STEM princess returns in "Rapunzel's Hopscotch Hypothesis," where the power of curiosity, teamwork, and scientific problem-solving takes center stage. Through a fun and imaginative tale, this episode offers kids a chance to reflect on how they approach challenges, work with others, and explore the world around them.(Aligns with CASEL Social and Emotional learning framework)

IF YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY with Rapunzel, you may also enjoy our reimagined Rapunzel tale in episode 43, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Science Experiment:

CREDITS: This episode has been a Jonincharacter production. Today’s story was written by Melissa Victor, edited and produced by Molly Murphy, and performed by Jonathan Cormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings.

Our podcast has partnered with the Red Comet Press to celebrate the launch of their new children’s book, "We Sing From the Heart" by Mia Wenjen. It tells the powerful story of Simon Tam’s fight for free speech that went all the way up to America’s Supreme Court. It’s a story that speaks to the impact that one person can make in this world.

Listen after the credits to hear from Mr. Redge then text us 👍 if you want Redge to keep sending his secret post credit messages! No one at Dorktales can see your name or number so it's a safe way to send us a message.

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Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

JONATHAN CORMUR: Hello Dork Squad. I'm Jonathan Cormur and you're listening to Dorktales Storytime, the podcast for kids and their pop culture-loving grown-ups.


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful day for a story, adventure and glory, new friends and old ones too. It's an excellent day to get swept away in a tail, so let us regale you.


REDGE: Jonathan! Where are you? I’m here for our spectacular outdoor adventuring day! 


JONATHAN: I’m coming!


REDGE: I’m ready to have a walk in the woods! To swim in Glimmer Pond! To rock climb! Although I may just sit on your shoulder for the climbing part…(Giggles) Little hedgehog arms after all. 


JONATHAN: I just need to finish watering the plants first. The weather is amazing!


REDGE: How are the hydrangeas looking?


JONATHAN: They are growing beautifully and smell like sweet honey. 


REDGE: Ooooo let me come and take a sniff! 


(Sound of Redge running outside)


REDGE: (Big sniff) Mmmmm! They smell delightful!


JONATHAN: You’d be surprised at how fast they’ve grown. But take a look at this little guy right here. I don’t think I know what this is. It looks kind of weird.


REDGE: Huh!…I don’t recognize it either. What did you plant out here again, Jonathan?


JONATHAN: I’m pretty sure it was just hydrangeas. Oh! And some peonies that Rapunzel gave us during her last visit. 


REDGE: Let me snap a picture with my Acorn phone and send it to Rapunzel, maybe she will know!


JONATHAN: That sounds like a good idea. (Inspecting the flower) It has 3 leaves and jagged edges and (Sniff) it smells…kinda of sour but also kind of sweet.


REDGE: Let me smell…(Sniff) oooo you’re right. I kind of like it. The smell seems to be magically wafting in the air! 


JONATHAN: Is it starting to glow? That’s pretty neat!


(Sound of a text message incoming)


REDGE: Rapunzel just texted us back and she can’t tell what it is from the picture so she said that she’s going to head over here and take…a …closer…look….oof. 


JONATHAN: What’s wrong, Redge? 


REDGE: I dunno. 


JONATHAN: Are you alright? 


REDGE: I just feel like being inside. 


JONATHAN: But…the outdoor adventure! 


REDGE: I don’t know what has come over me. Let’s just play Super Crash Siblings while we wait for Rapunzel to show up. 


JONATHAN: Um…ok…but only one round! 


REDGE: Which controller do you want?


JONATHAN: I will take the Galactic Blue please. Are you sure you’re ok? 


REDGE: Sigh. I guess. (Game powers on.)

I think today, I will be Princess Plum. 


JONATHAN: I’ll be Gilby. His super sonic bounce is epic on every level… 


REDGE: (Sounding disinterested) Yeah. 


(Game sound starts)


JONATHAN: Uh. I love playing video games with you Redge but…I’m worried about you! It’s not like you to suddenly lose interest in a grand adventure! Are you sure you’re alright? 


(The game suddenly powers down and cuts out)


REDGE: What happened? Did you hit the power button by mistake?


JONATHAN:  No I don’t think I did! (buttons clicking) I’m pressing the power button now but it’s not turning on.



RAPUNZEL: (from outside) Jonathan! Mr. Redge! It’s me Rapunzel, I’m out here!


JONATHAN: Redge! Rapunzel is here! Come on and let’s go outside.


REDGE: Ughhhh…I suppose I’ll get up. 


JONATHAN: Hey Rapunzel!


RAPUNZEL: Hiii friends! I think I accidentally kicked your powerline and made it rip. So sorry!


JONATHAN: We were wondering why our video game cut off. No worries!


RAPUNZEL: I can tape it back up really quickly. (rummaging through her bag) I know there’s some electrical tape in here somewhere…


JONATHAN: You’ve got a lot of stuff in your bag Rapunzel.


RAPUNZEL: Yeaaa..when Mr. Redge texted me I was already in the neighborhood trying out my new invention, the Rocksy 3000. It’s a special type of detector that I invented that can help me find the coolest rocks.


JONATHAN: Wow! That’s awesome! Isn’t it Redge? 


REDGE: …Yeah. 


JONATHAN: Uh…don’t mind him he’s just…um, well I’m not sure. Do you need help with taping the powerline back up?


RAPUNZEL: Sure, hold this for me. Thank you  (tape ripping) Ah…this is the best tape ever and it will have your powerline back intact!


JONATHAN: Thanks for taping that back up! 


REDGE: Thanks.


RAPUNZEL: (Sounding doubtful) Of course, you guys…I love fixing things! Uh…you said something’s going on with Redge? 


JONATHAN: It’s pretty noticeable isn’t it? 


RAPUNZEL: I mean he just walked over to that tree stump and is just sitting over there not talking….very unlike him. What happened? 


JONATHAN: I don’t know, all of a sudden he got really tired and he kind of lost all of his energy and didn’t want to do anything. We were supposed to go on an adventure today but once all the energy zapped out of him we went inside to play video games instead.


RAPUNZEL: That’s a little odd…


JONATHAN: Not sure how to figure out what’s wrong! 


RAPUNZEL: Hmmm…perhaps we can figure it out using science! 


JONATHAN: How can we do that? 


RAPUNZEL: Lets walk through your day first and use the clues we get from the story to form a hypothesis! 


JONATHAN: OOO like when you’re conducting an experiment…


RAPUNZEL: And you make a guess about the result of the experiment based on evidence! That’s the hypothesis! 


JONATHAN: Awesome! 


RAPUNZEL: Once we make our hypothesis, we can test if it’s true by trying to help Redge get better! 


JONATHAN: Right! So I was watering the hydrangeas in the garden. Redge came out and was talking to me about our big outdoor adventure! He came over to check on the garden, we saw this weird plant that glowed, then he texted you and we went and played video games, then–


RAPUNZEL: Wait a second! 


JONATHAN: What is it? 


RAPUNZEL: The plant! 


JONATHAN: Oh yeah, it was wild! I’ve never seen anything like it. Always something new and magical in Once Upon a Time. Anyways, after we turned on the video game–


RAPUNZEL: No, Jonathan! I’ve got it! The hypothesis! 


JONATHAN: What is it? 


RAPUNZEL: My hypothesis is that the plant you texted me a photo of has had some kind of hypnotic effect. 


JONATHAN: Hypnotic…like he was drawn into a sleepy state? 


RAPUNZEL: Precisely! This sleepy state came on right after encountering the glowing flower, correct? 


JONATHAN: It did! 


RAPUNZEL: Let’s go and take a look at the plant to test my theory! 


JONATHAN: Let’s go! It’s right here behind the peonies.


RAPUNZEL: Hmmm…it is a very unusual plant. I have created a Plantopedia app on my Acorn phone. Let me snap another picture and see what comes up. It says that it is an Herbaceous Trancelux plant which basically means “grass with a trance”? That’s interesting.


JONATHAN: A trance? Like being in a daze! 


RAPUNZEL: It says here that this magical plant grows near peonies and hydrangeas–




RAPUNZEL: –and is commonly seen mixed in with Poaceae, which is just like regular grass. 


JONATHAN: That’s over here too! 


RAPUNZEL: If someone sees it glow it might have hypnotic side effects! 


JONATHAN: Your hypothesis was correct!


RAPUNZEL: Maybe because he is about the size of this plant, the light affected him more than you! 


JONATHAN: I am pretty tall and Redge is just a little guy. 


RAPUNZEL: It seems like Redge is under the plant’s spell! 


JONATHAN:  What do we do?


RAPUNZEL: It says the side effects are reversible. 




RAPUNZEL: Time for an experiment to test a new hypothesis! 


JONATHAN: Tell me more!


RAPUNZEL: I think we need to set up something so fun and so cool and so spectacular that Redge can’t resist, even in his trance!  


JONATHAN: A fun time with friends to counteract the trance state! I like it! 


RAPUNZEL: Precisely! I hypothesize that a super neat activity will remind Redge of his dreams of adventuring during the day! 


JONATHAN: But look at him. All he wants to do is sit. How can we possibly get him to do anything other than that?


RAPUNZEL: I have an idea! I was thinking about playing this new version of hopscotch called Hopscotch Deluxe. That’s why I was using my Rocksy 3000 to help me find a cool rock. So I could use it in the game.


JONATHAN: I know Hopscotch. You throw a rock and there are different squares and you have to jump to each one but you can’t jump in the square where the rock has landed. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Hopscotch Deluxe. Does it involve some type of butterscotch? 


RAPUNZEL: No not at all. I invented the game hopscotch deluxe!


JONATHAN: Sounds fun!


RAPUNZEL: It’s loads of fun! And I think it will help Redge feel a little better. 


JONATHAN: Can anyone play?


RAPUNZEL: Anybody who's anybody!  And it’ll be even better once I find this special rock. Let's power up this bad boy and see if there are any cool rocks out here. I’m sure they are. We’ve already found a magical plant. 


(Metal detector beeps)


JONATHAN: Come this way!


(Beeping gets louder)


RAPUNZEL: We are so close!


(More beeping)


JONATHAN: Try right here.


(Excessive beeping, x marks the spot!)


RAPUNZEL: I think this is it! Let me start digging and see. I hope it’s not super deep underground. (Triumphant dinging sound)  Ah! Here it is! 




RAPUNZEL: The shiniest rock in the forest! Look at it glimmer in the sun! 


JONATHAN: It’s magical! 


RAPUNZEL:  Now Hopscotch Deluxe can begin!


JONATHAN: Hey Redge! Come over here! We’re going to play a game that Rapunzel invented! 


REDGE: I don’t want to play. Jonathan, can we please go back inside?


JONATHAN: Redge, I really think staying out here with Rapunzel will be good for you and hopefully it will get you out of this… state that you’re in.


RAPUNZEL: And plus the O2 is good for you




RAPUNZEL: That’s just another fancy scientific way to say oxygen. Being outside is a great way to fill your lungs with some good fresh air.


REDGE: But the sun is so bright. I just want to go inside and sit. 


RAPUNZEL: The sun is great for you! You can get so much Vitamin D! 


JONATHAN: Vitamin D?


RAPUNZEL: Yes! It’s the sunshine vitamin and it's so good for you. It can help boost your mood and also helps with regulating your immune system!


JONATHAN: I had no idea the sun could do that. So, where are you thinking about playing Hopscotch Deluxe?


RAPUNZEL: We can go to that big flat stone over there near the pond! I want to make a really long hopscotch.


JONATHAN: Let’s do it!


REDGE: Grrrrr..gkhrgdshfkjhf! Fine…(more disgruntled groans)


RAPUNZEL: This looks like a great spot right here. Okay, hold this for me while I draw the squares.


(Drawing noises)


JONATHAN: Okey dokey!


RAPUNZEL: Alright…almost done. Here we go…and boom! Finished.


JONATHAN: Looks great Rapunzel


RAPUNZEL: Thanks! So the rules of the game one more time. You throw the rock onto a number and the goal is to start at #1 and make it down the hopscotch board without stepping on the number that the rock landed on. And you can only hop on one foot! 


JONATHAN: Sounds simple enough!


RAPUNZEL: Jonathan you’re up first. Here’s the rock.


(Fun music starts)


JONATHAN: Okay, and toss! Oooo it landed on number 8.


RAPUNZEL: Number 8 perfect.


JONATHAN: Let’s do it. Hup 1- hup 2- hup 3 hup 4- hup 5…..whoooaaa! What’s happening?


RAPUNZEL: Oh yea, I forgot to mention, in Hopscotch Deluxe, the numbers can shift. Teeheehee.


REDGE: Oh. Wow. 


JONATHAN: But how?? 


RAPUNZEL: (Growing increasingly excited) I came up with a mathematical equation that involves complicated calculations that taps into the magic of randomizing numbers and made a formula infused with that magic to distill a liquid and transmute it into chalk that I use to draw the numbers and…you know you really had to be there! 


JONATHAN: Wait! Hold on! Okay hup 6, wait I can’t reach 7!


RAPUNZEL: You can do it Jonathan! Just one big jump!


JONATHAN: (we hear him do big jump “huuup”) 7!




RAPUNZEL: Keep going!  Now skip 8 and get to 9.


JONATHAN: The 8 and the 9 boxes are swirling around each other. I can’t figure out where to jump!


RAPUNZEL: Try to keep your eye on the 9. When it gets closer to you, just jump!


JONATHAN: Eh….ehhhhh..


RAPUNZEL: Jump now!


JONATHAN: Huppp! Oof! Oh look I did it!


RAPUNZEL: Now keep going to get to 10 and then you’ll be done.




(Magical underscoring stops) 


RAPUNZEL: That was so great my friend!


JONATHAN: That was much harder than I thought! But it was very exhilarating!


RAPUNZEL: It’s a super fun game! Strategizing how you’re going to balance on one foot, dealing with the magic randomized numbers, getting the perfect mathematical angle on your rock toss…I LOVE Hopscotch Deluxe! You were killing it out there! Redge, wanna give it a try?


JONATHAN: Come on Redge, I think it will make you feel better!


RAPUNZEL: Just try it and if you don’t want to finish, you can stop and we can all go inside. But could you try for us?




REDGE: (Kind of under his breath) Hand me the rock. 


RAPUNZEL: Here you go. Whenever you are ready my friend.


(Magical hopscotch music begins again) 


REDGE: It landed on 7.


RAPUNZEL: You can do it!


JONATHAN: (whispers to Rapunzel) What if it doesn’t work?


RAPUNZEL: …Let’s hope this does the trick.


REDGE: I’m ready. (Starts still in a stupor but slowly gets more excited) Hup. Hup. Hup. This is kind of fun!


RAPUNZEL: You’re looking great out there! (whispers to JONATHAN) We’re getting somewhere.


JONATHAN: (Whispers back to Rapunzel) I think so too.


REDGE: Whooooaaaa! Things are starting to shake up and the numbers are moving for me now! What should I do?


JONATHAN: Focus on the 7! Keep it in your line of sight so you don’t miss it!


RAPUNZEL: Yeah, exactly what he said!


REDGE: (his energy is starting to pick up here) Okay, I can do it. I’m going to go for itttt! I need to do a big jump!


JONATHAN: Looks like it! Are you up for it?


REDGE: I think so! Here we go! 


(The sound of Redge soaring and then a triumphant flourish) 


REDGE: Oooof! Did I do it?


RAPUNZEL: Yes yes! Now make it to the end.


REDGE: Wait, I’m losing my balance!


JONATHAN: You can do it!  


RAPUNZEL: You need to balance! Try putting your arms out to the side to help! I’ve experimented with many strategies and this simple one seems to work best! 


REDGE: I’m so wobbly on one foot!


RAPUNZEL: Hold those arms out! Super wide!


REDGE: Woah…ohhh..OHHH! Ooof! (he falls over)


JONATHAN: Oh no Redge! Are you okay?


(Redge starts to laugh and laugh)


RAPUNZEL: Mr. Redge, are you okay?


REDGE: Am i okay? I feel better than ever! Oh I’ve never felt more alive, that was the best game ever!


JONATHAN: Rapunzel! I think we did it!


RAPUNZEL: I think so too! 


JONATHAN: Redge, are you feeling tired still?


REDGE: Tired? No way my friend!


RAPUNZEL: I love to hear it!


REDGE:  And next time we play, I will not fall down! 


RAPUNZEL: That’s the spirit! I am so glad you’re back to yourself now.


JONATHAN: We were so worried that you were going to be stuck in that plant trance for a long time.


REDGE:  I must admit that this game is rather amusing, the warmth of the sun feels lovely and (inhale) I love all this fresh air.


JONATHAN: Say Rapunzel. What else do you like to do outside?


RAPUNZEL: Sometimes I like to climb trees, or go swim in Glimmer Pond!


REDGE: We also love to climb and swim! 


JONATHAN: Hopscotch Deluxe was a doozy, Rapunzel! And your hypothesis was right! Counteracting the trance with some fun. 


RAPUNZEL: I love using my scientific mind to solve problems!


JONATHAN: It was amazing!! And I learned so much from you today! 


REDGE: Yes, thank you Rapunzel..Shall we play again?


RAPUNZEL: Let's do it!! 


JONATHAN: And maybe we can grab you for a game of Super Crash Siblings too?


RAPUNZEL: I’m a pro at Super Crash Siblings! I have a mathematical equation to determine the best character to play depending on which characters my opponents choose! 


REDGE: Oh Jonathan, we don’t stand a chance! 


JONATHAN: Not at all! 


RAPUNZEL: But…I usually call dibs on Linguine because he’s my favorite!


REDGE: You got it! 


RAPUNZEL: And let’s maybe stay away from that trance-making plant!




RAPUNZEL: Now…who wants to hop up to the plate for the next round of Hopscotch Deluxe?


JONATHAN CORMUR: This has been a Jonincharacter production. This story was written by Melissa Victor and edited and produced by Molly Murphy. Melissa Victor performed Rapunzel and Jonathan Cormur performed all other characters. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings. Reach out to us on Instagram or email us at Find links in the show notes or go to

Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

THEME SONG: So gather your squad for all to see. It's a universe that we've imagined. There's twists and turns and lessons learned. This is where the unexpected happens. Join our humble hosts and hit the trails of the wonderful, wacky, wild world of Dorktales.


© 2024 Dorktales Storytime 



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